Project Description:
The home consisted of a ranch style structure with a full basement. The front portion of the home experienced lateral movement towards the interior of the residence, causing wall cracking and instability.
Repair Description:
The repair to the affected area of the foundation consisted of helical steel pile installation in two locations for counterfort reinforcement. The wall experiencing lateral movement was fully excavated, then reinforced using a concrete and rebar constructed sister wall; this reinforced area was also tied into the two counterfort walls. C-Channel was installed in the interior of the basement to secure the counterforts to the foundation.
The helical piers were installed by Rocky Mountain Steel Piering, Inc., utilizing an excavator and hydraulic torque head to advance the piers into the ground. The helical piers consisted of 1-3/4 inch rounded corner square steel shafts with a single 8 inch helix advanced to an average depth of 17 feet into the ground to support the specified design load. Each pier was encased in the counterfort concrete wall and secured with an all-thread cap.
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